It is the action of choosing to wear a certain piece of jewelry that makes it yours. It is how you turn it into a part of you. It is about slowing down and paying attention to what you are wearing and how it affects you. Every time you wear a necklace, or a ring, you are reminded of the experiences of the previous times you wore it, of the occasion for which you bought it or received it, and so it retains new, deeper, meaning. It becomes part of your experience, of who you are. Changing, just as you yourself change. It changes both physically, through the contact with your skin and the environment that surrounds you, as well as spiritually, retaining new memories. It becomes part of the identity you present to the world and to yourself. It becomes part of your story. Wearing a necklace, a ring, or an earring, over and over again, for years and years, turns it into part of the personality you choose to show to the world, part of who you are.
Hi there, So, what is Wabi-Sabi? And why do I care? Well, here is the what (I will get to the why after): Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. When it comes to aesthetics, it is about the beauty of change, the beauty of the ordinary, of the small details. Thus making us appreciate the fluidity of life itself. Usually, when we think of Wabi-Sabi we visualize something rustic, unfinished or tainted, changed if you will, by time and the elements. Take a look at the wall in this picture for example....