Blog — Concrete Jewelry
Is concrete jewelry heavy?
Behind the scenes Concrete Jewelry Studio Video

When it comes to concrete jewelry, one question that often arises is whether or not these pieces will be heavy to wear.
The answer: not at all. Concrete jewelry is very lightweight
One thing that is important to note that concrete is actually a lighter material than metal, so a piece of concrete jewelry of the same size as a piece made entirely of silver would actually be lighter in weight.
This is because concrete contains small, air-filled pores, which give it a lighter overall density. While we may typically think of concrete as a heavy material it is a trick our minds play on us because concrete is used in the construction of buildings, bridges, and other large structures.
The Concrete Squares Collection
Concrete Jewelry Design Geometric Jewelry jewelry design jewelry story Minimal Jewelry New Collection Squares

Hi there, Finally. It's here. A long overdue new concrete jewelry collection. The timing This collection took its time to appear. I created the first pieces of it almost a year ago, and still, I hesitated with the launch, took my time. I tested each piece for durability and comfort by wearing them myself, letting friends and family wear them and report back to me on their experience. Only now, when I am 100% sure each necklace, ring and earring will sustain heavy use and stay as beautiful as on the first time they were worn, I am putting...
Behind the scenes Concrete Concrete Jewelry Design jewelry design Process Wabi sabi

Hi there, So, what is Wabi-Sabi? And why do I care? Well, here is the what (I will get to the why after): Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. When it comes to aesthetics, it is about the beauty of change, the beauty of the ordinary, of the small details. Thus making us appreciate the fluidity of life itself. Usually, when we think of Wabi-Sabi we visualize something rustic, unfinished or tainted, changed if you will, by time and the elements. Take a look at the wall in this picture for example....
"Crafts" Exhibition - Between Liberalism and Traditon
collaboration Concrete Jewelry Design design exhibition Handmade maker Process

Hi friends, Since I am working with my hands all day long, and am proud that one of the core values of my business is the meticulous handmade process, I am often faced with issues regarding mass production vs. handmade small series process. This issue was the beginning point of an exhibition I presented in collaboration of my studio partner Adi Yair (a weaver and fashion designer) at the Design week of Jerusalem 2018 last month. We asked ourselves several questions: Can design and conservatism co-exist? Or is design based, by its very definition, on innovation? Is there a...
Process Peek
Behind the scenes Concrete Concrete Jewelry Jewelry Process Studio Video

Working with unconventional materials makes it perfectly normal that I get a lot of questions about my process.
In an attempt to answer these questions I created a short video documenting the process of adding concrete to silver and gold jewelry.